Celebrate family, friendship and fun in the surprise smash comedy hit of the year from the creators of How To Train Your Dragon and Shrek! In DreamWorks Animation’s HOME, Oh, a lovable misfit from another planet meets a girl named Tip. The two unlikely friends embark on the greatest journey of all time...the journey HOME. Hailed by critics as “an animated triumph” (CBS Radio News) that is “family fun with tons of heart” (Fox TV), Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment will release DreamWorks Animation’s HOME PARTY EDITION on Digital HD June 26 and Blu-ray 3D™, Blu-ray™ and DVD July 28.
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DreamWorks Animation’s HOME Blu-ray 3D™, Blu-ray™ & Digital HD includes:
Feature film in high definition
Special Features:
• Best Party Ever! – A Boov-tastic introduction, featuring a HOME montage and voiceover from Oh, inviting you to enjoy all the out-of-this-world extras!
• Party Play All – A Boov bonus meter fills up as you watch the fun-packed special features, leading up to an explosion of color and bubbles!
• Oh’s Shake Your Boov Thing – Get up and dance with this exciting mash-up of feature footage and music that combines to create an exciting HOME dance video!
• “Feel the Light” by Jennifer Lopez – Music Video – Move and groove to the Boov beat watching Jennifer Lopez’s hit music video from the HOME soundtrack!
• “Feel the Light” by Jennifer Lopez – Lyric Video – Watch Jennifer Lopez’s hit music video with colorful on-screen lyrics to help you sing along!
• Oh’s Boovy Jukebox – Oh’s interactive jukebox includes 16 songs and will take you directly to all the magical music moments in HOME!
• Oh’s Party Planning Tips – Oh’s top tip’s for party planning let you create an impressive Boov bash of your own!
• This is Being Boov – Get to know all about the Boov in this humorous, handy guide showcasing the characteristics of this unique alien species!
• Almost Home – See the trials and tribulations of the Boov on their journey across the galaxy, before they discovered Earth!
• Testing Lab – See how the Boov tested out some uniquely human items in their super-secret Boov testing lab.
• Deleted Scenes – The hilarious HOME adventure continues with 25 minutes of deleted scenes you couldn’t see in theaters!
• Be an Artist! – Animator Andy Erekson introduces you to the HOME character drawing tutorials!
• Stars of Home – Meet the characters of HOME and the extremely talented human actors who voice them!
DreamWorks Animation’s HOME DVD includes:
Feature film in standard definition
Special Features:
• Best Party Ever! – A Boov-tastic introduction, featuring a HOME montage and voiceover from Oh, inviting you to enjoy all the out-of-this-world extras!
• Party Play All – A Boov bonus meter fills up as you watch the fun-packed special features, leading up to an explosion of color and bubbles!
• Oh’s Shake Your Boov Thing – Get up and dance with this exciting mash-up of feature footage and music that combines to create an exciting HOME dance video!
• “Feel the Light” by Jennifer Lopez – Music Video – Move and groove to the Boov beat watching Jennifer Lopez’s hit music video from the HOME soundtrack!
• “Feel the Light” by Jennifer Lopez – Lyric Video – Watch Jennifer Lopez’s hit music video with colorful on-screen lyrics to help you sing along!
• Oh’s Boovy Jukebox – Oh’s interactive jukebox includes 16 songs and will take you directly to all the magical music moments in HOME!
• Oh’s Party Planning Tips – Oh’s top tip’s for party planning let you create an impressive Boov bash of your own!
DreamWorks Animation creates high-quality entertainment, including CG animated feature films, television specials and series and live entertainment properties, meant for audiences around the world. The Company has world-class creative talent, a strong and experienced management team and advanced filmmaking technology and techniques. DreamWorks Animation has been named one of the “100 Best Companies to Work For” by FORTUNE® Magazine for five consecutive years. In 2013, DreamWorks Animation ranked #12 on the list. All of DreamWorks Animation’s feature films are produced in 3D. The Company has theatrically released a total of 31 animated feature films, including the franchise properties of Shrek, Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda, How to Train Your Dragon, Puss In Boots, and The Croods.
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment is the industry leading worldwide marketing, sales and distribution company for all Fox produced, acquired and third party partner film and television programing. Each year TCFHE expands its award-winning global product portfolio with the introduction of new entertainment content through established and emerging formats including DVD, Blu-ray™ and DigitalHD™. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment is a subsidiary of 21st Century Fox.
Disclosure: I am a Fox Home Entertainment Insider. The info. DVD and giveaway prize are provided by Fox. No other compensation was received and any opinions expressed are my own.
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