
October 29, 2014

Today is #NationalCatDay - In honor of it, check out #CatPaw from WICKED COOL TOYS @mycatpaw

It's time to celebrate National Cat Day today, October 29th with Cat Paw - The Friendly Yet Feisty Toy

Cat Paws  from Wicked Cool Toys are wildly fun and purrrfect for everyone! Creep out co-workers, amuse cat lovers and STUPEFY cats themselves with the amazing, bizarre, wonderful and super fun CAT PAW!

Cat Paw features four different cat styles to choose from which includes a Orange Shorthair Cat Paw, a White Persian Cat Paw, a Maine Coon Cat Paw and a Black Cat Paw. Each Cat Paw includes two realistic sounds (friendly and feisty) and an awesome clawing action! Simply pull on the trigger to activate sound and movement - a light pull for the friendly sound and a firm grip and hold for the feisty sound!

Cat Paws from Wicked Cool Toys are hilarious trigger-activated paws. I don't know who loves them more, the kids or the parents!   We have so much fun with these little paws.  My daughter actually loves me to gently stroke her face before bed while singing Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty...  Then when I am done, she never knows if it is going to be feisty and gentle kitty coming!   Pull it slowly to imitate a friendly cat's meow, or fast for a cat that's a tad bit feisty.

The paws are soft, easy to maneuver and fun for all involved.   The little trigger not only allows the paw to make noises, but it curves down just like a real kitty paw.  It reminded me of our dear kitty who passed.   A fun was to have a kitty again!

Once you see one, you have to have them all! Cat Paws are fur sure to be the life of any party, fill an ordinary with extraordinary moments, strike up conversations with just about anyone, and bring endless joy to everyone, even your beloved four-legged family members! These would make the perfect gift for any cat fan or anyone really!  Imagine a child's surprise to see a Cat Paw sticking out of stocking this holiday season!  Cat Paws are available at Kmart, Toys "R" Us, and Amazon. Ages 2-100 Price: $9.99  Stay connected: Socials - @mycatpaw - #CatPaw Facebook - Pinterest - Cat Paw Videos to See it in Action:
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