February 3, 2014

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Favado app: Fall in love with grocery shopping again! #favadolove #sponsored

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post and all information, content and images was provided to me to use by Favado


Fall in love with grocery shopping again!

With love in the air, Favado wants to help you fall in love with grocery shopping again! We know that you have a love-hate relationship with grocery shopping and we know that with Favado’s help, we can transform it into a love-love relationship again.

With Favado, you’ll find yourself wanting to go shopping...so you can show off how little you spend...and so you can brag to your family and friends how you have more money lining your pockets these days.

I am all about saving money, so I love this app and how it helps me save money on my grocery bill each week.   I love that I can compare prices at the stores I shop and fin the best deals on the products.

Show Your #favadolove and Be Entered to Win $1,000

This Valentine’s Day, we want you to share a video about what you love about Favado and you’ll be entered to win $1,000. Tell us what app features you love or how much you have saved using the app or why you can’t stop talking about Favado.
To enter to win $1,000, simply post a video to your favorite social media channel and add the hashtag #favadolove.
  • On Instagram or Vine, add a video and include #favadolove in the caption box.
  • On Facebook, go to the Favado Facebook page upload a video and include #favadolove in the status update box. Note: videos uploaded to your personal wall or page won't be counted as entries.
  • On YouTube, upload a video and include #favadolove in the video description box.
  • On Twitter, upload a video and include #favadolove in the status update box.
  • Entries without the hashtag will not be entered, so don’t forget to include it!
One random video will be chosen among all those entered. Winner will be chosen at 6 pm PST on February 18, 2014. Entries must be submitted before midnight EST on February 14th.


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