In the latest installment of the Home Alone franchise, Finn Baxter and his family move from California to Maine to their new house. Finn is terrified and believes the house is haunted. While he sets up traps to catch the "ghost", his parents get stranded across town and Finn is home alone with his sister. Their house is targeted by 3 thieves.
Home Alone: The Holiday Heist DVD
Street Date: October 29, 2013
Prebook Date: October 2, 2013
Screen Format: Widescreen 1.78:1
Audio: English DD 5.1
French DD 5.1
Subtitles: English/French/Spanish
U.S. Rating: PG
Total Run Time: 90 minutes
Closed Captioned: Yes
Prebook Date: October 2, 2013
Screen Format: Widescreen 1.78:1
Audio: English DD 5.1
French DD 5.1
Subtitles: English/French/Spanish
U.S. Rating: PG
Total Run Time: 90 minutes
Closed Captioned: Yes
Purchase Home Alone: The Holiday Heist on Amazon for $9.96 & FREE Shipping on orders over $35.
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Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment is the industry leading worldwide marketing, sales and distribution company for all Fox produced, acquired and third party partner film and television programing. Each year TCFHE expands its award-winning global product portfolio with the introduction of new entertainment content through established and emerging formats including DVD, Blu-ray™ and Digital HD™. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment is a subsidiary of 21st Century Fox.