DreamWorks' Animation released a new mobile game, the Turbo Racing League mobile App, inspired by their upcoming summer film, Turbo. This fun game for kids takes players on a race to the finish line like shell on wheels as they drift around corners, perform crazy stunts, collect tomatoes and grind rails to earn performance upgrades and improve their race times.
Verizon has teamed up with DreamWorks for this game to provide an elevated gaming experience for their customers, complete with a Verizon Toolbox stocked full of free in-game currency, customized racing shells, exclusive film content and insider gaming tips and tricks.
For the adults who love to play, there is also a first-of-its-kind contest element from Verizon, the $1,000,000 Shell-Out Contest. This is the first mobile gaming contest to shell out $1,000,000 in total cash prizes by competing in weekly challenges. Eight weekly challenges run May 16- July 9, with the weekly winners participating in a final race challenge in Los Angeles on July 17 for a chance to win a larger pot of money.
Available on Google play and iTunes
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