That’s right: females outnumber males in college. They are overtaking males in the work force as well. In fact, the number of women taking on leadership roles in our society is on a rapid rise. Now more than ever is the perfect time for young women to excel!
Lauren Salamone, author of 5 Must-Know Secrets for Today’s College Girl and college transition expert, says there is important advice parents can offer their daughters right now that will help them achieve success at college.
Here are some highlights:
- Don’t expect Perfection – The first few weeks of college are overwhelming. It helps if students are prepared for this fact, so they’re not disappointed. Girls can be very hard on themselves, especially during this vulnerable time. They can start to buy into negative self-talk, which interferes with making the most of college. If you explain this basic psychology to your daughter before she leaves for school, you’ll help her have a much smoother transition.
- Be an Explorer – College professors and coaches report that female students tend to deflect when complimented on their strengths. Encourage her to think of herself as wearing a metaphorical explorer’s hat. As an explorer she should take her time soaking in the new opportunities around her AND take a good look within herself. It helps to guide your daughter through the process of recognizing and believing that she possesses unique strengths.
- Follow Your Heart – By nature girls tend to be pleasers. And as they grapple with the decisions they’ll need to make in college, they can start to second-guess themselves. It helps tremendously to make it clear to your daughter that you want her to figure out a path that’s right for her. Let her know that you’ll help her to do that any way you can, but that you don’t have a particular agenda for her. In essence, you want to dissuade any concerns she has that she’ll be letting you down as she begins to choose her own life’s path.
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