April 2, 2012

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The Peloton Film: inspiring documentary film about living with cancer #pelotonfilm

Laura Davis, a four-time cancer survivor, is producing a documentary film called The Peloton Film. She's working with Director, Ramsey Tripp, and Executive Producer Patrick Dempsey!   The Peloton Project will follow nearly 40 cyclists on a 2,500 mile ride from Alberta, Calgary, Canada to Lewiston, Maine where they will participate in the Dempsey Challenge. Cyclists will complete the ride in just 10 days, cycling relay-style day and night. But, this documentary is much more than just a cycling event.

Woven throughout the team's journey across North America will be stories of cancer survivors, caregivers, and of a patient just diagnosed. Cyclists will be paired up with these "cancer warriors" and will be riding in their honor. Along the route, the cyclists and survivors will have the chance to correspond via video chats, which will be broadcast on the film's website: thepelotonfilm.com. The finish line to the film is the starting line for the Dempsey Challenge where the cyclists and warriors will meet in person for the first time. It's sure to be an amazing journey and could be just the inspiration a cancer patient needs to give them the strength to get through their battle.

Director Ramsey Tripp may have said it best when he said this documentary will share the stories of "real people with incredible stories told about their humble lives, challenges, and a commitment to move forward-sometimes charging, sometimes crawling, but finding the strength to advance."

To get the documentary started, the  Kickstarter project was recently launched to raise $20,000. While the budget for the film will actually add up to more than $600,000, this grassroots effort is a way to demonstrate to potential corporate sponsors that we have a lot of people supporting this film.  Anyone can back the film at any amount that is comfortable for them...even $1!   You can help support a film alongside Patrick Dempsey for just a buck!  Cool, huh?! The catch with Kickstarter, though, is that no money changes hands unless they reach their  goal. In other words, they need to get more than $10,000 pledged from backers on Kickstarter by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, April 6 if they want to make this film a reality. Otherwise, they don't get a penny.

Cancer is a terrible disease, this  project will help raise support for cancer care.  Just think a buck can help, plus   you can say you worked on a film with Patrick Dempsey!


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