Have you filed your taxes yet? The last day to file your taxes, April 17, is coming up soon. Have you heard of MyFreeTaxes.com? This is a non-profit service that lets taxpayers file their federal and state taxes online for free, and is made possible through funding by the Walmart Foundation.
More than two-thirds of low-income households use a paid tax preparation service, and they would like to help these families by making them aware that they have free, easy, and safe tax filing options, and to understand that they can get the same refund and EITC using MFT.com without spending money to pay tax preparers.
Last year, 110,000 taxpayers filed their taxes using MyFreeTaxes. This year, they would like to get even more individuals with less than $57,000 in their annual income, including those who received the EITC, to file their taxes for free at MFT. Safe and easy to use, MyFreeTaxes saves your work at every step so you can finish later.
MyFreeTaxes makes sure you get the proper tax credits that you deserve, including EITC. You also have the option to purchase paper savings bonds with your refund using Form 8888. Paper bonds make great gifts to children and are a convenient way for families to save.
For helpful tips and what documents to gather before you start filing, visit this Tax Checklist.
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