Coupon Organization Tips by Good Deal Mama
So if you have been getting some good deals in the stores lately you probably have been using coupons. So what do you do once you have all those coupons?There are two major ways to organize your coupons: the binder method and the file method. This is my hybrid method of the two. The Good Deal Mama way, if you will
File Method
Let me start off my saying that I used to organize them by date, put them into a file folder and then just file them in a file box. I would cut as needed. It was super simple and time efficient. The only downside to this method was if i am in the store and see an unadvertised or clearance sale, I didn’t have all my coupons will me.Binder Method
I also know I do not have the patience or time to cut every single coupon out of my newspaper inserts. And if you have been “couponing” for some time you know you should never throw away any coupons because a coupon you think you would never use could get you “overage” on items you need! So having all of your coupons in a binder cut and ready to go is definitely the best way to make sure you have coupons on hand at all times, but it is very time consuming.So what’s a Good Deal Mama to do?!
The Hybrid Method
It is a way of organizing your coupons into two groups: cut coupons you know you will use and whole inserts for the restSo this is my personal Coupon Binder, I got it on clearance recently at Walmart for just $5. I believe it is made for scrapbooking but always be on the look out in the clearance or sale sections for items you can use for other things!
I then put baseball card holders in the front with plastic tab dividers in between. The plastic tabs have different categories on them. Produce, Cereal, Snacks, Frozen, etc.
Each “slot” of the baseball card holder holds coupons I know my family will use, or really HOT coupons that I know will get me FREE items or overage. So each week I just have to cut out a limited number of coupons, and then sort those and put them in the necessary slot. So not as time consuming as cutting every coupon out.
Behind the baseball card holders I placed page protector sheets, separated by plastic tab dividers by month and then post it tabs by date. I just place each weeks full newspaper coupon insert inside. About 5 of each fit and I just placed a paperclip on top so they don’t “fall out”
Keeping whole insets inside my coupon binder allows me access to every coupon I have in my collection, without having to cut them all. Now you may be wondering, if I am shopping and find a sale, how would I know if I have a coupon to match?!
I just head right over each week to Sunday Coupon Preview, and print out each weeks “preview“, it’s in alphabetical order and includes expiration dates! So I also highlight each week what is the longest expiration date is, that way at a glance I can see if I should keep the coupons, or if its time to donate them to the troops!
I also place coupons I print or coupons I get from home mailers or magazines into the page protectors, so they are readily available as well. If its a coupon I know we will use right away I can always file into the baseball card holders.
I also put store coupon policies in the back inside a page protector as well, so they are always handy!
So what do you think? Which way do you use? Do you like this or is your way better
Post and all images are credited to Good Deal Mama
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