September 9, 2011

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Betty Crocker Box Tops for Education Giveaway #MyBlogSpark

This school year, giving back to your school can be as easy as looking for the Red Spoon on your favorite Betty Crocker® dessert mixes, the only brand in the baking aisle with Box Tops. Whether you’re collecting for new computers, library books, or a playground, through the Box Tops for Education® program you can help make a difference. Last year, your contributions earned more than $59 million for America’s schools!  My daughter just started school a week ago and we already got paperwork sent home on "Box Top Wars"!  Apparently the classes do competitions against each other!   Good thing, I have been saving BTFE and had 2 baggies full for her!

Did you know:

  • Now, you can find Box Tops for Education on all Betty Crocker baking mixes, including new Fun da-middles™, individual cupcakes with a fun, creamy center.
  • This back-to-school season, look for double Box Tops on specially marked packages of Betty Crocker baking mixes.
Betty Crocker baking mixes are a staple in our house!   Yes you can use them to make the item that is on the box, but you can use them as a part of a recipe too!   I use the cake mixes in cookies, cookie bars and more.   Got to have my cake balls and brownie balls during the holidays!   Not only does having Betty Crocker baking mixes in the house, allow you to always have a treat on hand to make, but they help out your children's school!!!

For great baking tips, recipe ideas and information on Betty Crocker products,
visit | Also find us on:

To learn more about Box Tops for Education and how you can help your local school, check out | Also find us on: Twitter

One lucky OneMommaSavingMoney reader (US only)  will win a the following prize pack:
  • Cupcake iclips
  • Cupcake bag
  • Cupcake notepads
  • Box Tops for Education pencils
  • Neoprene Lunch Sack

The winner will be chosen by

Mandatory Entry:
Become a fan of  One Momma Saving Money  on Facebook/

Extra Entries:
1.  Follow @OneMommaSavingM, @BettyCrocker and @BTFE on Twitter   Please include Twitter name in comments
2 . Re-post this giveaway on your blog (2 extra entries, post 2x please). Please post link to the post in comments
3. Like Betty Crocker Facebook and Box Tops for Education Facebook
4.  Follow my blog. (RSS feed or Google friend connect, bonus entry is you do both!) Please state how you follow. I will check. If you use RSS feed, make sure you confirm subscription. Please post a 2nd comment for Bonus entry
5.   1 daily entry- Follow @OneMommaSavingM  on Twitter and tweet the following leaving a direct link in your comment:  Win a @BettyCrocker / @BTFE Prize Pack from  @OneMommaSavingM #MyBlogSpark 09/24

Giveaway ends September 24, 2011at 5pm EST

"Disclosure: The Betty Crocker products, information, and giveaway have been provided by Betty Crocker through MyBlogSpark."