June 2, 2010

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Momma Made Me ~ Tell Your Mom Story and Win!

Would you like an opportunity to receive $50 of olive oil from California Olive Ranch?

Tell your best story about yourself and your mom or a story about you as a mom that  involves food.  If you story is chosen, you will receive $50 credit to purchase olive oil from the California Olive Ranch online store.  Plus, your story will be featured as an audio story on Momma Made Me on Facebook and iTunes!  
A total of 12 entries will be selected to be featured.

All entries receive a coupon for FREE shipping on their next California Olive Ranch online purchase!

All you need to do is go to www.facebook.com/mommamademe and enter a few lines of their story.  Easy.  If they ask where you heard about this, make sure you mention my blog!


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