April 14, 2010

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Terracycle | Snackpicks-Ideas to Snack on

Make a difference with Keebler® Products and Terracycle

Posted by Renée

Earth day is April 22nd and it is a global celebration to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth. As a parent, I think about the legacy that I will leave my two year old son and the world that I will leave him.

Small Changes, Big Impact

We can all make small changes that will decrease the damage that we do to Mother Earth. We have all heard about living green and many think that it is difficult. However, small changes have a tremendous impact. For instance, carrying your own reusable tote bags to the grocery store instead of using plastic. This can potentially save marine life, reduce consumption of petroleum and cut down on litter.

Terracycle Keebler Cookie Brigade

If you are looking for ideas that you can implement in your home, here is another one that is really simple: Terracycle makes affordable, eco-friendly products from a wide range of different non-recyclable waste materials. Their products range from tote bags and purses to shower curtains, all made from products like Chips Deluxe®, Fudge Shoppe® and Sandies® wrappers.

Go to Terracycle.net for more information

Happy eating and collecting while making a positive impact on the Earth!

Terracycle | Snackpicks-Ideas to Snack on


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